Get Married in Space

space wedding

When it comes to weddings, couples are always looking for ways to make their special day unique. And we’ve seen everything from brides getting married in a river to grooms walking down the aisle on the top of a mountain. So it’s no surprise that some people have taken the trend to a whole new level and are getting married in space.

A Florida-based company called Space Perspective is now offering the ultimate space-themed wedding. The company is currently taking reservations for couples to get hitched in a capsule that will take them to the edge of space. The spacecraft, which is called Neptune, has been designed to lift off the ground at a gentle pace so that it won’t be as nerve-wracking as a traditional space flight. And passengers will be able to enjoy the views of Earth from massive porthole windows that will make for pretty spectacular photos.

And the Space Perspective website says that they’re already seeing a lot of interest in their space wedding experience. In fact, the website says that they have a waiting list for people who want to say their vows on the edge of the universe. The trip, which will last about six hours, will be quite expensive with each seat costing around $125,000 (or INR 1 crore).

But space travel isn’t exactly a new concept as the first-ever space wedding took place just 16 years ago. American astronaut Ekaterina Dmitriev tied the knot with Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko while he was orbiting in the International Space Station. Dmitriev walked down the aisle to a song by David Bowie, just as the space station re-emerged into sunlight over Texas.

Since then, a number of other astronauts have been married while they’re in orbit, and even while on a spacewalk. But a space wedding will still be a bit of a tall order for most people, and that’s why the space startup is hoping to fill the void by offering this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Neptune spacecraft can hold nine people including the pilot, which should be enough room for a small ceremony and some drinks. And the website also promises that they’ll have Wi-Fi onboard so that you can FaceTime your loved ones back home in real-time.

One thing to consider when you’re thinking of having a space wedding is that there are certain legal issues that may arise. For example, if the celebrant of your wedding is an astronaut and they are in space when you’re saying your vows, then would it be legal for them to be your witness?

But for most people, a space wedding will likely just be a fun way to celebrate their love and spend some time out of this world. And if you’re not ready to take the leap, then just don’t worry — there are plenty of other great wedding venues on Earth that will surely be more than up to the task. Just be sure to carefully weigh your priorities and budget before deciding where you’re going to get married.