The Importance of Wedding Rings

Your wedding ring is more than just a piece of jewelry, it’s a symbol of your commitment to your spouse. It’s a daily reminder that every choice you make, your words, your schedule and everything else will impact your partner in some way, proving you two are truly one.

People have been exchanging rings to signify their love and commitment for as long as there have been humans, with some historians believing the first rings were twigs and reeds that Neanderthals wrapped around their hands. In ancient Egypt, grooms gave their wives a betrothal ring to symbolize their future together. These ornate pieces of jewelry were a symbol of the groom’s wealth and were often made of leather, bone, or ivory. The practice spread throughout the world, with both the Greeks and Romans adopting it. In the United States, wedding bands are usually worn on the fourth finger on the left hand, which is known as the ring finger. This tradition dates back to the Egyptians, who believed the vein in that finger ran directly to the heart.

Today, couples can personalize their wedding rings to hold unique meanings for them as a couple. Inscriptions, matching metalwork or gemstones can be used to add to the overall significance of the ring. In fact, some couples choose to design a wedding ring stack with separate bands that represent different facets of their relationship. This is a great way to keep the sentimental value of the ring fresh, and each new ring added to the stack can celebrate a milestone in their marriage.

If you are planning a wedding, purchasing your band well in advance is a good idea to prevent any potential delays or sizing issues on the day of your ceremony. Ideally, you should have your ring sized and purchased at least three months before your big day to ensure it is ready in time.

While your wedding ring will always symbolize your vows and your commitment to one another, it is important to remember that it can also help to keep you both on track with your goals and priorities as you embark on this journey called life together. Seeing your wedding ring on your hand each day can serve as a reminder to be intentional in your decisions and to never forget that you are a team and that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

If you are already married, letting your children see you wear your wedding ring will help them understand the importance of marriage and a healthy family. It will also set a positive example for them to follow. While your ring won’t be able to change them into a loving and committed husband and wife, it can give your kids the motivation and confidence that they too can marry their best friend.