What Is a Ring?


Rings are a common and traditional piece of jewelry. They can be made of a simple band of metal, or they may include gemstones. Some rings are designed to be worn on the fingers or hands, while others are worn around the body. Some rings are used for protection, while others are meant to promote health and well-being. A ring may also be used to signify commitment to another person or to a cause.

In mathematics, a ring is a set equipped with two binary operations (usually referred to as addition and multiplication) that satisfy certain properties: there are additive and multiplicative identities and additive inverses; and the operation of adding an element to a ring yields the sum of the elements in the ring. Informally, the term ring is an algebraic structure that generalizes fields, since in rings multiplication need not be commutative and multiplicative inverses may not exist.

Traditionally, rings are used to indicate romantic relationships. Some are also used as symbols of status, such as those worn by kings and noblemen. In ancient Egypt, rings were often engraved with the names and titles of their owners in hieroglyphics. Later, the Greeks and Romans wore rings as ornaments, and in Rome they were frequently used to indicate social status. The ring was also a symbol of the divine, as it was often given as an offering to deities in temples.

A ring is usually made of a circle with a flat bezel, which holds a stone or other ornament. The bezel may be round, semicircular, square, or any other shape. The shoulders of a ring may be thickened or enlarged to hold the bezel. The shoulder may also be decorated with patterns or carvings. The ring can be made of gold, silver, or another precious metal. It can be plated with an alloy to enhance the appearance or durability of the ring.

Many cultures believe that rings balance energy levels and provide a sense of balance. For instance, silver is associated with the moon and believed to promote emotional stability. Similarly, gold is said to help the wearer overcome fear and insecurity. The balancing energy of a ring is believed to increase focus and concentration, allowing the wearer to achieve success in their endeavors.

The rings of Jupiter and Saturn consist of very small dust particles, whereas the rings of Neptune and Uranus are dominated by chunky boulders. These particles are thought to be the result of cosmic radiation from long-ago collisions between planets and comets. In fact, it is likely that the rings are millions or even billions of years old.

People who wear rings with multiple stones, on all their fingers or even on all their digits are thought to be highly creative and intuitive. These people are often considered to be eloquent and charismatic. They are also considered to be very spiritual. Cultural lag occurs when a change happens faster than a society can process it.