How to Care For Your Wedding Rings

The wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love, commitment and unity between two people. It is also a beautiful piece of jewelry that is often adorned with gemstones, such as diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies, which are popular choices. A couple may also opt to engrave their rings with special messages, dates or symbols, making them more personal and unique. Choosing the perfect wedding band can be a daunting task. But, with the help of a knowledgeable jeweler, the process can be enjoyable and stress-free. In addition, couples can avoid costly mistakes and end up with the perfect ring for them. To ensure you get the most out of your ring, it is important to consider its durability. The type of metal you choose will play a huge role in how well your ring holds up. For example, if you work with your hands or enjoy outdoor activities, a harder metal like platinum might be better than a softer gold. A durable ring will also be more resistant to scratches and dents. You should always remove your ring before performing tasks that could damage it, such as cleaning, swimming, cooking, playing sports and sleeping. Many experts recommend getting your ring engraved, which can be a nice way to add a personalized touch. However, engraving can add a significant cost to the ring’s price tag. Experts also advise getting your ring polished regularly to maintain its shine and prevent stains and build-up. While it’s easy to buy commercial ring cleaners, a gentle at-home polishing with a soft cloth will do the trick too. It is also important to remove your ring before doing any strenuous work, such as gardening or heavy lifting, to avoid damaging it. While the decision of who purchases the ring is usually left to the groom, couples are increasingly making it together and treating it as an opportunity to strengthen their bond. It is also a chance to set a budget and prioritize aspects of the ring that are most important. Ultimately, it is important to find a wedding ring that you will be happy wearing for the rest of your life. By following these simple tips, you can be sure that your ring will symbolize the happiness of your marriage.

How to Plan a Space Wedding

If you’re an intrepid bride or groom planning a wedding that will take your love beyond the stars, there are a variety of options available. For example, a Florida-based company called Space Perspective offers a six-hour journey to the edge of space that will allow you to celebrate your marriage in zero gravity, the company says. For those who prefer a more laid-back approach to the big day, Airbnb hosts may also be able to accommodate your dreams. Some of them have beautiful homes that are perfect for small weddings, planner Tiffany Rivera of Simply Breathe Events says. She suggests choosing a home that has plenty of natural light to help your floral arrangements and other decorations shine. If your dream wedding involves a destination far from home, consider a venue that offers amenities you might need for the big day, such as restrooms or kitchens. Event spaces that offer these services can make the planning process easier and more efficient by eliminating a lot of extra work for you and your planner. Yuri Malenchenko, a Russian cosmonaut who is among the most accomplished astronauts of all time, married his long-time partner while on an expedition to the International Space Station (ISS). While officials initially tried to convince him to postpone the wedding until he returned to Earth, he and his wife went ahead with it, even though their decision was met with disapproval from other Russian space and military authorities. But it didn’t ruin their lives, and the pair are still together. Their story has also inspired other couples, and they are not alone in their endeavors. In fact, many aspiring astronauts have gotten married while in space. Some of these couples have had their ceremonies performed by ISS commanders, who are allowed to solemnize marriages under Texas law. Nevertheless, getting married in space can be costly, especially if you want to do it right. One couple, for instance, spent $2.2 million on the ceremony — which included a live broadcast, a reception on the ground, a custom-designed dress, a video and photo album and four days of rehearsal. Other options include marrying aboard the ISS or renting a private satellite. The latter is not as expensive as it sounds, because you can get in touch with a satellite provider that will rent you the space for your special day. And for those who can’t afford to shell out $2.2 million, a few companies are now offering to marry people in space. Rocketplane Kistler Japan and wedding planner First Advantage will soon start offering a one-hour ceremony to wed in zero gravity at 62.1 miles above the planet’s surface, they say. That costs $2.2 million — but it includes a video and photo album to prove you can do what no other bride or groom has done before. That’s not bad considering you can spend that much on a vacation in Bermuda.

How to Pick the Best Wedding Rings

Wedding rings have a long history as a symbol of committed love and marriage. But picking out the perfect ring isn’t always easy—especially with so many different options. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices, so we asked two expert jewelers for their top tips. The first thing you’ll want to think about is your lifestyle and how much you’ll be able to wear the ring. If you have a physically demanding job, for example, it might be easier to wear one ring rather than two (or even three). Do you find yourself losing things frequently? If so, a simple engraved message on the inside of your ring could help you keep up with it. Another important factor is how durable your ring is. You’ll likely be wearing your wedding band for the rest of your life, so you’ll want to make sure it can stand up to the test of time. The width of your ring is also something you’ll want to consider carefully, as men typically prefer wider bands while women tend to opt for daintier designs. Engraving is a great way to personalize your wedding ring and make it even more sentimental for you and your partner. You can have your names, the date of your wedding, or even a special quote engraved on there. Many manufacturers will offer this for free, so there’s really no reason not to do it. Depending on where you shop, there may be other ways to add a personal touch to your ring. For example, some companies will allow you to etch your ring with a pattern such as stars or florals. Others will provide you with a choice of pre-designed engravings that can be customized to fit your style. Once you’ve settled on a design for your wedding ring, it’s also worth thinking about how the ring is sourced. Do you want to choose a sustainable option or perhaps an ethically-sourced diamond? This can have an impact on the overall feel and value of your ring, as well as the ethical and environmental practices involved in its creation. One of the most important reasons for wearing a wedding ring is that it’s a visible sign of RESPECT for your spouse. Your ring is their constant reminder that they are the most important person in your life. If you decide to take off your ring, then it sends the message that you don’t respect them and aren’t committed to your marriage. Likewise, if your partner encourages you to wear their ring, then you should honour them and do so. If you do, it’ll show your children the importance of staying married as well.

Space Wedding – A Wedding From Outer Space

A lot of couples dream of having a wedding that’s out of this world. And that’s exactly what one company is offering: a space wedding. The company, called Space Perspective, will launch guests into orbit in a carbon-neutral balloon with enormous windows for the ultimate view of Earth. The only catch is that the flight is $125,000 per seat. And the waitlist is light-years long. The first space wedding took place 16 years ago, when Ekaterina Dmitriev married cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko from the International Space Station by video linkup. The couple, from Texas, was married in a ceremony that was officially classified as a “private family conference” and not broadcast on NASA TV. Malenchenko marched down the aisle to David Bowie’s “Absolute Beginners” and his best man (another astronaut) played Mendelssohn’s traditional wedding march on a portable keyboard. In the years since, a few other astronauts and cosmonauts have been married while in orbit. But it’s not easy. Maintaining relationships while on missions can require scheduled communication sessions, support from ground personnel, personal items for reminders, and psychological training to cope with the distance. In fact, some ISS astronauts have said they were forced to end their romantic relationships while in space because they couldn’t make it work on Earth. But even for those with a solid plan and the perfect venue, a space wedding isn’t cheap. As a general rule, weddings in the United States cost about $34,000. And that figure goes up for destination weddings and events held in areas with high demand, such as New York City. While it’s not possible to have a space-themed NYC wedding on a budget of that size, there are plenty of other ways to add an out-of-this-world element to your special day. One way is by choosing a raw space that doesn’t need much in the way of decor. Many event spaces can accommodate a number of different styled weddings, but you’ll still want to consider the location and whether or not there are any restrictions on how the space can be used. Alternatively, you can opt for a more literal outer space theme by renting an event space that looks like Mars or the inside of a spaceship. With its red rocky terrain and otherworldly beauty, the planet has all the makings of a stellar backdrop for an otherworldly wedding. Whatever route you choose, it’s always a good idea to visit the space in person before booking. That will give you a better sense of what the space can do for your vision and help you determine what decor changes or additions might be necessary. Lastly, you should also ask the event space what officiant services are included in your rental fee. This will save you the hassle of finding an officiant on your own. And if you don’t have a officiant lined up, the event space can often connect you with one of their trusted professionals.

Everything You Need to Know About Rings

Rings have adorned our fingers since the earliest times. They have a long and rich history that has created an array of traditions, myths, legends and personal meaning. They can be lustrous, fashionable, chic or downright eye-catching. From a promise of eternal love to an affirmation of faith or even a symbol of a career achievement, rings are far more than just a piece of jewellery. But what exactly are the different parts of a ring? And how does this affect the way we wear and style them? In this article we’ll explore everything you need to know about rings: from basic terminology to fun facts about their design and the symbolic significance of each element. Rings are circular bands, usually made from metal and worn as ornamental jewellery on the finger. They can be worn on other parts of the body as well, such as on the hand, arm or toe, but the term is usually reserved for rings that fit snugly around the specific body part they ornament (bands worn loosely, such as bracelets, are not referred to as rings). The band of a ring can be adorned with gemstones, pearls and other precious stones or it can be completely plain. A ring can also contain other elements, such as filigree work or detailed shapes. Some rings, especially engagement rings and wedding bands, feature a bridge that extends across the top of the mount, which can be a beautiful place to include a personalised detail or a coloured stone. A ring is often considered a symbol of everlasting love or commitment and is frequently exchanged between partners as a sign of affection. It can also be a mark of loyalty and trust and is therefore worn as a badge of honour by police, firefighters, military personnel and other public service workers. A ring is sometimes given by parents to their children as an indication that they are loved and cared for and by friends or family members to show that they are valued. It is also common to see professional American sports leagues award runners-up of the championship game/series with a ring to celebrate their achievements. There are a number of theories on the origin of planetary rings. One theory is that they are the remnants of an accretion disk formed with the parent planet, while others suggest that rings are made of debris from the break-up and dispersal of captured comets. A third theory suggests that ring particles, which can range from micron-sized dust to objects as large as houses, are pulled by the gravity of the parent planet into rings by nongravitational forces. How to measure your ring size If you are buying a ring for a loved one and don’t want to ruin the surprise, try measuring her finger in the evening when her fingers tend to swell. You can also use ribbon, twine or paper to make a simple, accurate ring measurement. Wrap the material around her finger just above the knuckle, mark the point where it overlaps with a pencil or tape and take this measurement to your jeweler to ensure the perfect fit.

Choosing Wedding Rings That Stand the Test of Time

The wedding ring is one of the most significant symbols of commitment for couples to exchange. While there are many ways to personalize this piece of jewelry, it’s important to find something that fits the couple’s individual style and lifestyle. The best way to do that is by considering the materials and styles available, and finding a ring that will stand the test of time. Choosing the perfect wedding ring can feel like an overwhelming task for some people, but doing some research and shopping at a jeweler with experience in this field can make things much easier. The main thing is to find a reputable jeweler with a wide selection of ready-made and custom designs that fit the customer’s needs. Then, take your time to try on different rings and choose the one that feels right. While the classic gold or silver band was once a staple, today there are rings that come in almost any imaginable style, and from an amazing array of materials. This variety is a good thing, because it means that every couple can find a ring that tells their unique love story. Many brides and grooms select the same metal as the engagement ring for their wedding bands, but this is not a hard-and-fast rule. In fact, many couples opt for a mix of styles and metals to create a unique look. When it comes to selecting a metal, the most important consideration is durability. A wedding ring is worn for the rest of your life, so you want it to be able to stand up to the wear and tear of everyday use. It’s also a good idea to consider your lifestyle and what you do with your hands. For example, if you work with your hands or are active, it’s a good idea to go for a more durable option like titanium or tungsten carbide. Another factor to consider when selecting a metal is how easy it is to clean. While most rings can be easily cleaned with a little soap and water, it’s a good idea to have them checked by a professional once or twice a year to ensure there are no loose stones or prongs. Engraving is another way to personalize your ring. You can have the names of your partner and the date of your marriage engraved on the inside of your ring, or you could add a special quote, song lyrics, or other memento. Wedding rings are a beautiful symbol of your commitment to each other and a reminder that you’ll be there for each other through the good times and bad. So before you walk down the aisle, take the time to find a ring that speaks to your heart and matches your personality, and then enjoy wearing it for all of your life together.